Common Issues For Synthetic Leather Manufacturers

Common Issues For Synthetic Leather Manufacturers

In recent years, the artificial leather industry has faced enormous competitive pressure. With the era of artificial leather profiteering gone, artificial leather manufacturers need to cultivate their internal skills more so as to stand out in the fierce market competition.

I, the author of this article, interviewed over fifty synthetic leather manufacturers and summarized some common issues faced by these manufacturers, along with potential strategies to address them.

1. Supply problems with raw materials:

Supply stability: Artificial leather production requires large quantities of raw materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and coating agents. Disruptions in the supply chain or fluctuations in raw material prices can lead to production delays and increased costs.


Diversify suppliers: Establish long-term relationships with multiple reliable raw material suppliers to reduce supply risks.

Forecasting and sourcing planning: Plan raw material purchases in advance through market trend and demand analysis to ensure adequate supply and reasonable prices.

2. Pressures for environmental protection and sustainable development:

Environmental impact: Artificial leather production involves environmental issues such as the use of chemical substances and the discharge of waste water, and may face environmental regulations and consumer concerns about environmental protection.


Promote environmental improvements: adopt more environmentally friendly production techniques and processes, reduce chemical use and wastewater discharge, and promote the recycling of resources.

Find alternative materials: Develop and adopt more environmentally friendly alternative materials, such as water-based coating agents and biodegradable materials.

3. Quality control issues:

Product consistency: The quality and consistency of appearance of artificial leather is a key concern for customers, and substandard quality can lead to order cancellation and reputational damage.


Consolidate quality control: Establish a strict quality control system, including raw material inspection, production process monitoring and finished product inspection, to ensure that products meet the required standards.

Employee training: Train employees on quality standards and operating procedures to improve their quality awareness and skill levels.

4. Market competition and innovation:

Price competition: The artificial leather market is highly competitive and price pressure may lead to lower profit margins.


Increase added value: Increase the added value of products through innovative designs, special coatings or functional improvements in order to be more competitive.

Finding new markets: Develop new market segments, such as high-end products, sustainable products, etc., in order to find a competitive differentiation.

5. Labour and talent management issues:

Shortage of skilled personnel: Artificial leather production requires highly skilled operators and engineers, but there may be a shortage of skilled personnel, resulting in reduced production efficiency.


Develop our internal talent: Improve the technical skills and professionalism of our employees through internal training programmes and career development opportunities to meet the development needs of the business.

Partner with educational institutions: Establish partnerships with relevant educational institutions to offer internship and apprenticeship training programmes to attract young talent into the industry.

6. Changing trends in consumption:

Changing consumer demands: the increasing consumer demand for environmentally friendly, sustainable and high quality products is placing new demands on artificial leather manufacturers.


Innovate according to demand: pay close attention to market trends and consumer needs, and adjust product design, material selection and production processes in time to meet new consumer requirements.

Strengthen market research: Conduct regular market research to understand consumer preferences and trends and adjust corporate strategies and product positioning.

By taking appropriate countermeasures to these common problems, artificial leather manufacturers can improve operational efficiency, strengthen competitiveness and maintain sustainable development in a changing market environment.